from my to do list in the last post...
"...research/buy/make(?) sling
...learn about pros and cons of baby wearing, a very controversial subject, depending on who you talk to"
Do you have a favorite sling? Do you have an opinion on baby wearing? I'm in a dilemma, because I'm normally a fan of structured babywise parenting, but am worried about the baby being vulnerable to our dog and three other kids, namely Clara Joy ;). So far the cons of baby wearing appear to be increased separation anxiety, more frequent nursing (also a pro when you have milk production issues like I do), and less personal space... all biggies.
The pros are less fussiness, more bonding, hopefully better milk supply, and safety from siblings and the family dog.
disclaimer: the cons listed are entirely from the paranoid perspective of a mom who's never tried babywearing.
Never been a fan of the over the shoulder sling. I used the Bjorn and the backpack with mine. But I'm oftly interested in the ERGO carrier. Hopefully will be able to borrow one from someone who's bebe has gotten too big for it. You can wear it front or back and it cradles more like a sling instead of the dangling legs of the Bjorn.
baby prefers wrap to the carrier I have. You can use wrap for a longer time and it is more cozy for the baby Do not know much about slings. if you can make one, I think you should
i love my ergo and use it daily.
I'm a huge fan of babywearing.
For a great resource of all things babywearing, check out This is also a good website:
The Bjorn is for a limited time only with the baby and studies have shown that it isn't that great for baby's back. People I know love their Ergo's, but the company has some nefarious business practices, so I'd hesitate to recommend on the basis of that.
I like a pouch sling (like what you pictured) for its ease, but I also want to try a wrap. I don't think Marlowe is a huge fan of the pouch, so I need to get to the fabric store.
A soft-structured carrier is nice because you can wear them for a long time, and they have a good back support belt. I got a Beco carrier and love it! I could comfortably carry a 30lb E in it even while 6 mos pregnant.
If you want to make a pouch sling, the best directions I have found are here:
Hope that helps! I don't know tons about babywearing, but I know people who do...
btw, I don't think increased separation anxiety is a result of babywearing. If anything, more attachment earlier on boosts confidence and independence later.
Jeannette... That's good to know. I should have made a disclaimer that the cons were entirely from the paranoid perspective of a mom who's never tried babywearing. It makes me feel better to hear your perspective, because I do feel like this is what I should do, I just don't know what kind of price I'll pay... if any.
yea, things can be kind of pricey up front. That's what deterred me for a long time. A pouch sling is crazy easy to make, though. Even for someone who isn't a major sewer. You can also find stuff that people make on Etsy.
Do you know people with other types of carriers that you could try? It's hard to invest in something you've only seen on the internet.
A pouch sling might be a good start, because you can make it cheaply and can go through a variety of carries (from your front, to your hip, even your back) as the kid gets older. You can also make a wrap pretty cheaply, too, and that also has a lot of flexibility for carrying options. The sites I linked to have instructions for a variety of wearing options.
Also, I can't for the life of me figure out how to nurse in a sling. Maybe some can and some can't. Maybe I just need someone to show me. May not be an issue for you. *shrug*
Go for it!
I didn't really use a sling until my fourth. . . and I absolutely LOVED the "pouch" style sling I had for him. It was great. Hand's-free. Quick in-and-out. Made the other mommying and homemaking tasks I had with the rest of the family much easier.
I like to give slings/pouches as baby gifts (when I can.) I've ordered several custom-made ones through luvlugs at etsy at§ion_id=5122170 . She doesn't have any listed right now, but if you PM her I'm sure she'll help you figure out what you're wanting.
My sister Katherine used a sling for Lorien and is now using one with Leighton. I don't think she'd ever go without one for her baby. I don't have any firsthand experience bc I couldn't figure mine out and never bothered to go have someone show me! But I know that she LOVES hers.
There's a girl at our church who has worn a sling with all three, in fact, she sells them, too. is her website. I think I would have loved to use one if I could have figured out how to put it on. I saw a lady one time at the discovery museum who made them and sold them locally but I don't have her contact info anymore. Hers was just like a 3 yard peice of fabric, like they wear in Africa, and she had it tied around her with the baby in the front, then as the baby gets older and heavier, she can wear it on her back, which is the part I would have loved. I just never did. but I think you should go for it. Just get someone to show you how, from the sound of the other commetns. :)
Melanie loved the Over the shoulder Baby Holder made in San Clemente CA and we still have it! Its yours if you want it. Emily spent much of her first 18months in it.
I waited to learn about babywearing until number five, and boy do I regret waiting so long!!!!
A wrap worked awesome for the first 6 months (I watched the video's on and learned how to do it, practiced with a doll for a few days before practicing on my baby, etc. It took about a week to really get the hang of it, but after that, it ROCKED).
An Ergo was worth every penny after we hit the 6 month point, especially because my babies get really heavy fast. I loved that thing and so did my little Jireh. I can honestly say he's the baby I bonded the most with out of the five. Babywearing really did tune me into his rhythms in a way that is really hard to describe.
I also studied the culture of babywearing, which is fairly easy to do just by going to google images and typing in "woman wearing a baby," and the name of the country you're interested in. We women have been wearing our babies for centuries upon centuries. And the scientific facts of the matter show that it helps baby's brain in a myriad of ways.
My only regret is learning about it so late in my mothering!
Happy Wearing. :)
Oh yeah, I made my wrap from a 5-6 yard sheet of stretchy t-shirt fabric (no sewing needed), a pretty maroon color. I cut it in half, long length wise, so I had two long skinny wraps, 5-6 yards long in length. I had one and I gave another one to a friend, and we both just LOVED them.
coming back to this...
Since I posted, I've made my first wrap and am an instant fan. I used cotton gauze (stretchy sidewise but not upanddown), 5 yards, cut in half longwise. No sewing necessary. It's working out much better than a pouch for my newborn.
For what it's worth...
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