I think Clara may need to wear a helmet, full time. Right now she has a total of 4 big bruises and one cut (but healing) lip. She has an overconfidence problem. If there is a chair in the middle of the room, she thinks to herself, "I can climb that... no problem." Before I even notice that she's stopped playing with her toy, shes standing on a wooden chair in her slippers, about to topple to the hard floor. Sometimes I am able to save her, but most of the time she knocks her head on the floor before I can catch her. At bath time, she tries to climb out of the bathtub and she wacks her head on the side of the tub, or on the floor, as she launches herself out of the tub like a torpedo. This is long-winded. Sorry. I'm looking for suggestions. What do you do to downplay the knocks to the head on an ambitious 1-year-old? Helmet? Padded room?
She'll probably be the first child of mine to break a bone. Do you see the big knot on her head in the picture? Ouch.
Geesh. Good luck with that. We miss you guys :-)
Reminds me of the commercial where the parents keep saying, "It'll be a miracle if he makes it to be 3!", then 5, then 10 and after all of it, the kid does survive. :) We just got carpeting over our hardwood and it has greatly reduced our head-bonks on the floor. Poor Mathis had fallen off the bed twice onto the hardwood (should I be admitting that!).
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