Monday, January 26, 2009

my new favorite thing...

the maya wrap... it's so handy with a sick baby that won't sleep.


Keri said...

Oh! Those are such cute pictures! He is growing so fast and I just love the paci days and I'm so happy you have a sling that is working for you. :) So sorry about everyone being sick. Yuck.

linda said...

Hang in there. I'm praying for you and Jonathon. That top picture is precious.

Katie said...

He looks like Dana! I miss you so much and wish I could snuggle sweet baby Jonathan.

roadrunner201 said...

YES! I love my slings!! I can get stuff done. I am sorry to hear that your clan is sick, especially Johnathan. We've been that route with Jude already, too. I know how much of my time it consumed with one. You are my hero handling four sick children at once.

diber said...

so precious!
glad you are enjoying your sling