Wednesday, March 04, 2009

joy in the little things

Clara ate a whole English muffin this morning and she's been much easier to handle so far. I know that God worked through our friends and family's prayers, because today feels so much more hopeful and calm. Jonathan even sat happily in his baby swing while I made breakfast, which never happens, even on a good day. Over the past few nights, this bedtime song of ours has been bringing tears to my eyes. I'm sure you know it well, but it's especially sweet to me right now.

Jesus Loves Me

Jesus loves me, this I know
for the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong,
they are weak,
but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so.

When my little ones are sick, really sick, the only true comfort to me is knowing that they belong to Him and that He's far stronger and wiser than me. And I'm so thankful at times like these that He works through our neighbors and loved ones to care for Clara and for me. The bonds of the body of Christ are really beautiful to witness, even when it's shown through a phone call or a small act of kindness.

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